Treatment Steps


The full spectrum of modern Orthodontic treatment options is available to my patients. After a thorough clinical and radiographical diagnosis, the most suitable orthodontic treatment appliance is selected together to provide the best treatment outcome.

1. Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, a generalised clinical diagnosis is made. This is to identify whether orthodontic treatment is indicated, when the ideal time is to start and what the various treatment options are. Time is taken to assess your expectations and to answer any initial questions or concerns. You will also receive an approximate idea of what the treatment will cost. Should you decide that you’re ready to start the journey to a beautiful smile, a second appointment will be made for you.

First discussion with brace
Diagnosis iTero Scanner 3D

2. Diagnostic Records

During this appointment, the following diagnostic “Pre-treatment Records” are made:

– Photos of the teeth and the face

– Digital radiographs of the teeth

– Digital 3D Scan of the teeth with a bite registration

These are then used to finalise the clinical diagnosis and formulate an individualised treatment plan for you.

Children who qualify for the “Free Brace” und fulfill IOTN 4 or 5 as determined by § 153a ASVG require these detailed Records for pre-authorisation by the relevant Social Insurance.

3. Discussion of Treatment

During this appointment, time is taken to discuss:

  • The individual treatment plan

  • The benefits and risks of treatment

  • The expected treatment duration

  • The exact costs of treatment

Case discussion Dr. Moriarty
Treatment fitting the brace

You will also receive detailed information on how to care for your teeth and brace (or Aligners) during treatment. Follow up appointments are usually very 4 to 8 weeks depending on the type of treatment.

4. Treatment Begin

During this appointment, the following can be expected:

  • Brackets

    Brackets are bonded in the case of a fixed appliance, or

  • Attachments

    Attachments are bonded in the case of an Aligner treatment, or

  • 3D Scan

    If necessary, a new 3D scan is taken for a removable appliance to be made in a specialised laboratory.

5. Treatment End/ Retention

When your dream smile and an ideal bite has been achieved, the brackets or attachments will carefully be removed from the teeth. Bonded and/or removable retainers are fitted to stabilise the newly corrected position of the teeth. Retention is a vital part of orthodontic treatment because relapse can occur as the periodontal fibres around the teeth tend to pull the teeth back towards their pretreatment positions. Retainers also counteract the effects of further growth and soft tissue changes due to ageing. My patients are welcome to come see me for six monthly monitoring for as long as they like. Straight teeth are a lifetime commitment!

Children who qualified for the “Free Brace” und fulfilled IOTN 4 or 5 as determined by § 153a ASVG require these detailed ”End-of treatment Records” for final reimbursement of costs by the relevant Social Insurance.

Treatment result

During this appointment “End-of treatment Records” are also taken, namely:

  • Photos of the teeth and the face

  • Impressions of the teeth with a bite registration and/or

  • Digital 3D Scan of the teeth with a bite registration

Dr. Moriarty is a certified provider for the “Free Brace” in Salzburg
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